Who are the angels:
Angel are divine light beings who are God's messengers on earth; they are divine part of our creator, sent in a form of guardian angels to protect us, guide us and help us whenever we need them; they are never too busy to help us, nothing it's too large or too small for angels.
Angels are Beings of Light from the 7th dimension and higher. The angelic realms come from the heart of God and do not have free will as we do. Their will is the divine will.
We cannot usually see or hear them because they vibrate at a frequency that is beyond our visual and auditory range. Certain people can connect with them because they are psychic and can tune into the angelic waveband. Others have to learn to do this.
Guardian Angels:
The angels of the 7th dimension are your Guardian Angels and others who help humans. Every single person has a Guardian Angel who protects and looks after them. Your Guardian Angel keeps the divine blueprint for your life, which you agreed before you were born, and he whispers guidance to you to keep you on your chosen spiritual path. Usually we think the whispered guidance of angels is our own inspired thoughts or bright ideas!
If your soul has agreed that you need an experience illness or accident for your spiritual growth or even if it is time for you to pass over, your Guardian Angel must step aside. No one can contravene the free will of your soul. However, if this is not the case, your Guardian Angel will step in and help you. Remember to say ‘Thank you’ when you have had a near miss in your car!
Your Guardian Angel and Guides also arrange for you to meet the people you are meant to meet, such as a partner or good friend – even an enemy who challenges and strengthens you. Your Guardian Angel organizes all co-incidences and synchronicities.
There are dozens of wonderful inspirational stories in New Light on Angels and Angel Inspiration illustrating how people are helped by angels.
The spiritual law is ‘ask and you shall receive’. Your angel is always listening and if you ask for help (and it is for the highest good) he will assist you. Angels must wait until you ask because you have free will.
Your angels will help you to be safe, to find a parking space, to reach your destination at the correct time, to find something, to heal a relationship and many other things.
Your Guardian Angel is always by your side if you need him. He may leave you for a few moments if his in on a mission for you. For example, he may flash off to fetch some pure energy for you from a waterfall or the moon. He may go to speak to another Guardian Angel on your behalf to bring about a better relationship. When my grand-daughter was born I was in Ireland at a Master Teachers Meeting for the Diana Cooper School. I received a text to say that she had been safely born then went into a meeting. I noticed that my Guardian Angel was not by my side and immediately he came whooshing back. I said telepathically, ‘Where have you been?’ and he responded, ‘Taking your love to the baby.’
Your Guardian Angel loves you and nothing can stop him from loving you whatever you do.
Communicating with angels

As people become more clairvoyant they start to see the light of the angels but this does not always happen. Most people just sense their presence or know they are there. So start your communication by knowing they are with you. Then talk or think to them and trust the angelic thoughts that drop into your head in response. They will always be positive and good.
Archangel Michael:

New Light on Angels and Angel Inspiration share many stories of how he has helped people. You can see his exact blue color in his Orb in Ascension Through Orbs.
He uses his Sword of Truth to cut away cords that do not serve you.
His twin flame is Faith. Archangel Michael has a very strong, masculine energy; you'll know he is around if you feel a very warm, protective and loving energy embracing you. Call upon Michael whenever you are fearful, or unsure about a situation, he'll go to your side right away.

This illuminated being who is in charge of the Stellar Gateway chakra of the planet and of individuals. He helps people connect with their Monads, their I AM Presence, and with Source.
His color ranges from magnificent orange to gold and he is leading and guiding the ascension of this planet.
His twin flame is Archangel Sandalphon who is in charge of the Earth Star chakra of the planet and of individuals. You will find much more about this mighty Archangel in The Keys to the Universe and Ascension through Orbs. Call upon Archangel Metatron when you need assistance with kids., children are one of Metatron's specialties.

Archangel Gabriel and his twin flame Hope are working particularly hard at the moment to purify the world and individuals.
If you want clarity about a situation or personal problem sit quietly and ask Archangel Gabriel to help you find that clarity. Then you can take decisions and move forward. He will help you to see the light side of what is happening and be joyous.
He is in charge of the development of the base, sacral and navel chakras of the planet and humanity; Call upon Gabriel to help with assistance on fertility, pregnancies, artistic inspiration, strength, public speaking. depending on your need, you might feel Gabriel's loving energy as male or female.

This wondrous golden being is in charge of the solar plexus of humans and the planet. . It takes in the fear of the world and transmutes, then radiates out magnificent golden energy. However this chakra is so overwhelmed with negative energy that it rarely manages to shine with its true fifth dimensional light.
Archangel Uriel helps you dissolve your fear and develop your confidence and self worth, so that you can bring back your own inner wisdom. Call upon Uriel when you need help with school related problems, or memory problems.

Archangel Raphael is in charge of the third eye chakra of individuals and the world.
He is the healing angel and the angel of abundance. Call on his emerald green angels of healing for help for yourself and anyone else who needs it. Call upon Raphael for assistance with any health related issues.
I just read "Miracles of Archangel Gabriel" by Doreen Virtue
FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.
This a Wonderful book, its filled with uplifting stories about Archangel Gabriel interventions, I love how knowledgeable the author is about the references to Archangel Gabriel in different religious texts, such as the Bible, Quran, ect.. I also love how the book shows how "versatile" Archangel Gabriel is, the book covers a lot of topics such as calling upon Archangel Gabriel from assistance in conceiving and pregnancies, to artistic inspiration and strength . Each story is unique and wonderful, and after reading them you will left filled with hope. I highly recommend this book.
Thank you for reading; Hope you all like it!!